What is JavaScript

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JavaScript Introduction

Programs in this language are called scripts. They can be written correctly in the HTML of a web page and can be executed automatically as soon as the page is loaded.

JavaScript was originally designed to "create websites".

The scripts are provided and run as plain text. No special preparation or compilation is required to perform them.

In this respect, JavaScript is very different from another language called Java.

Today, only a browser with JavaScript can not be executed, but to keep the device or something, which is a special program called JavaScript engine.

JavaScript Definition 

JavaScript/JS is a programming or scripting language that allows you to implement complex functionality on Web pages - whenever a Web page is there and displays static information to be displayed - timely content updates, interactive maps Visualization of animated 2D / 3D graphics, video jukebox, scrolling, etc.

  • HTML is the markup language we use and give meaning to our web content, such as defining paragraphs, data headings, and embedding images and videos on tables or pages.

  • CSS is a language of style rules that we use to apply style to our HTML content, for example by setting the background color and font and placing our content in multiple columns.

  • JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to create dynamic update content, control multimedia content, animate images, and practically everything. (Okay, not everything, but it's amazing what you can get with a few lines of JavaScript code.)

What is JavaScript use for?

When you load a website in your browser, you run your code (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) inside the execution environment (browser tab). It is like a factory that takes raw materials (regulations) and issues products (websites).

A common practice is to use CSS to change the modified HTML user interaction, except that the API Document Object Model. Do not forget that the code selections are mostly in your browser files uploaded and downloaded in the order they appear on the page. If JavaScript is charged with trying to run before loading CSS and HTML, an error can occur.

Features of JavaScript

1. Object Centered Script Language
2. Validation of User's Input
3. Else and If Statement
4. Client Edge Technology
5. Case Sensitive Format
6. Interpreter Centered
7. Light Weight and delicate
8. Looping Statements
9. Handling Events

Why JavaScript?

Learning JavaScript| There are so many languages but why JavaScript, there are some reasons 

Reason #1:
LearnJavas| JavaScript is very easy to learn. No configuration is required; Directly integrated into the web browser! Just start writing the code and immediately see the result in your browser.

Reason #2:
Node is super popular. Proof: Over 30,000 NPM Packages Available!

Reason #3:
There are many high-paying jobs for JavaScript developers. What a great way to start your IT career!

Reason #4:
JavaScript is used everywhere: web browser (class, responsive), server side (node), mobile, desktop, games, internet of things, robotics, virtual reality and more.

Reason #5:
JavaScript is an incredibly powerful and expressive scripting language.

JavaScript History

In November 1996, Netscape launched JavaScript to ECMA International as a starting point for a unique standard that all browser vendors can meet. It officially released the first specification of the ECMAScript language in June 1997.

Advantages of JavaScript

  • JavaScript language is easy to learn
  • It is a client side language
  • Extended functionality on web pages
  • JavaScript is relatively fast for the end user
  • Disinfected and easy to test
  • No compilation required
  • Event-based programming language
  • Independent platform
  • Procedural programming skills

JavaScript Frameworks

10 Top JavaScript Framwoks
    1. Angular
    2. Vue.js
    3. React
    4. Meteor
    5. Ember.js
    6. Mithril
    7. Node.js
    8. Aurelia
    9. Backbone.js